Don’t believe all the hype? Maybe you just need to hear about all the benefits of decluttering before you’re ready to jump in and declutter your life! Read on, friend! I think by the end of this post you’ll be convinced. 😉

Why declutter your life?
Time for some ugly truth. If you haven’t noticed, we humans are materialistic people with an addiction to collecting things without end. The more space we have, the more we desire to fill it. It’s just how our minds work!
But guess what… it’s okay, and actually pretty beneficial, to have some empty space in your life!
When you declutter your life, you give yourself margin and breathing room. You’ll have a clearer mind and find the peace of a slower pace. You’ll feel less controlled and more in control. And you’ll have more space to fill your life intentionally with things you love!
10 things you can get rid of today
Not sure where to start on your decluttering adventure? Try focusing on your physical belongings first! I promise that if you take care of your STUFF, soon you’ll be decluttering everything else: your time, your relationships, EVERYTHING. You’ll find yourself living a whole new life!
Start by decluttering these 10 things:
1. Mystery cords
Am I the only one who has a collection of cords with no idea what they even go to? Let’s be honest, if you don’t know what it’s for, you’ll probably never use it. Most likely it’s from an electronic device that doesn’t even exist any more. Get rid of it!
2. User manuals
Have you ever used one of these? Doubt it. Don’t forget that it probably exists on the internet if you happen to need it one day. Read it (if you really need to) when you first get something new, and then recycle it.
3. Old CDs and DVDs
I actually still like to use DVDs (and Blurays), despite the fact that any movie I could ever want to watch now exists in digital or streamable format. But if you prefer Netflix or to keep your movies digital, you can clear up a lot of storage space by getting rid of some of your DVDs.
Same goes for CDs – I don’t use them any more, but I do like to keep some valuable and sentimental ones. Those mix CDs your friends made you in high school? Yeah those can go. But I’m keeping my signed Taylor Swift Speak Now CD forever!
4. Books you’ll never read
If you’ve had it for years and still haven’t read it, guess what – you’re probably never going to! And say goodbye to those books you read in high school but will NEVER pick up again. Oh, and old magazines while you’re at it!
5. Old makeup/cosmetics/toiletries
Believe it or not, these products have an expiration date. Just because it isn’t required to be printed on the label doesn’t mean the product lasts forever! You shouldn’t keep cosmetics longer than a year. If it seems fine, then it’s probably filled with chemicals and preservatives that you shouldn’t use on your skin anyway. Old shampoo samples, chap sticks you’ve had longer than you can remember, dried out mascara… just toss it.
6. Anything expired in your pantry or medicine cabinet
I don’t think this one needs an explanation. Expired = trash! This includes medications, spices, vitamins, baking soda/powder, etc… all the really old stuff buried in the back of the cabinet that’s been there for who knows how many years. Say goodbye.
7. Gross towels
Towels are one of those things that everyone has too many of. One person really only needs two towels: one for daily use and another for when the first one is dirty. And maybe a couple for guests or decoration. Also think about narrowing down your washcloths, rags, and beach towels – only keep what you really need between washes. Throw away all the frayed, stained, and nasty ones!
8. Holey socks, t-shirts, and underwear
This is kinda like the towel thing. How many old ratty t-shirts with holes in the armpits do you really need for pajamas? (Probably not 30… but if you’re like me, then this one might be a struggle for you because you’re a t-shirt hoarder and you love every single one.)
Which ones actually mean something to you, and which ones just hold value because you’ve had them for SO STINKING LONG? (Like the YMCA volleyball camp shirt that I got in 7th grade…12 years ago… uh what?) I promise you’ll live without them, and won’t ever miss them. The holey socks and underwear though – NO excuses there!
9. Pens
Okay, pens are another thing I love to collect. But I’ll admit that I have WAY more than I could ever need in a lifetime. I mean who can pass up a free pen? But when it comes down to it, I’m pretty particular about which ones I like to use.
I used to have this weird psychological problem with pens – I wanted to “save” the good ones for some special occasion, and only use the lame free ones from the credit union for everyday stuff. But like… WHY? Life is too short not to use the good pens! Get rid of all the junky ones that you really actually hate. And if the good ones all run out of ink, just go buy a new pack. 😉
10. Ugly mugs
For real, this is another thing everyone has an overabundance of. How many mugs does a person need? (I’ll admit, I have a mug obsession…) I love collecting cute and pretty mugs. But I probably only need like 2 or 3. How many mugs do you have that are old and faded from years of use, or ugly gifts that you can’t even remember who gave to you? Clear up some space in your kitchen and donate them to someone who will actually use them.
Let it Go…
The hardest part about getting rid of unnecessary stuff is the guilty feeling we have when letting go. This is a common (but actually pretty irrational) mindset caused by the value of ownership – an extra value we put on things simply because we own them.
Before you get rid of something, ask yourself: If you didn’t already own it, would you go out and buy it, or be happy to receive it as a gift? If the answer is no, then it’s probably useless and you can say goodbye. Just because it seems useful, like an ugly mug or a junky pen, doesn’t mean it’s necessary to keep. If you don’t think it’s ready for the trash, you can always donate it.
I promise you’ll feel lighter in no time after ridding yourself of these 10 things. What else has helped you clear your mind and declutter your life? I’d love to know your tips!
P.S. – some tips for staying productive, and my spring capsule wardrobe!