Planting a Succulent Garden in a Pot

February 10, 2017
I’ve been obsessed with succulents for as long as I can remember! They are just so darn cute and come in seemingly endless varieties. So I decided that planting a succulent garden in a pot would be the perfect way to add some of these little plants into my life.

This was my first time doing a project like this, so it was kind of an experiment for me. It actually turned out pretty well and I love it! Read on to see how I did it step by step so you can plant one of your own.

Succulent garden in a white ceramic pot - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

What you’ll need:
  • A pot
  • Potting soil
  • Succulents of your choice (mine were from the Home Depot and Lowe’s)
  • Rocks or pebbles
  • Moss

Small succulents in pots - by Becka Hout - Live it LovelyGirl holding a small succulent in a black pot - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

I chose a pretty white pot from Home Goods that I love, although I wish it was shallower and had drainage holes. Succulents don’t need a ton of space, so I filled my pot halfway with rocks before adding soil. Rocks or pebbles at the bottom are especially important for drainage if your pot doesn’t have holes.

Rocks in a white ceramic pot for a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely
Here are a few super cute pot options I found:

After the rocks, I added a layer of moss to separate the rocks from the soil. I actually found my moss at the dollar store but I’m sure you can find it anywhere you can get gardening supplies! (Or you can find moss and rocks on Amazon!)

Moss in a white pot to build a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely Moss in a white pot to build a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

After the moss, I added the potting soil on top. Any type of soil should work, but using a cactus/palm soil would be the best because it’s quick-drying and succulents don’t like too much water. (This potting soil should work; or this is the potting soil that I used)

Potting soil in a white ceramic pot for a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it LovelyGirl holding two small succulents - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

When you transfer the succulents into your pot, loosen the soil around the roots a little bit, but not too much. Succulents have tiny roots, and the plants will basically fall apart and won’t be able to stand up if they don’t have a clump of soil holding them together!

Putting succulents in a pot for a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely Building a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

Pack in the soil around the succulents to make sure they are secure. I ended up using a spoon to avoid getting poked by the cactus thorns.

Building a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely Building a succulent garden - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

Make sure the soil is dry between waterings and don’t overwater your succulents! They like a lot of light but not too much direct sun. A bright shady spot should work.

Various succulents in a pot - by Becka Hout - Live it LovelyVarious succulents in a white ceramic pot - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely
Various succulents in a white ceramic pot - by Becka Hout - Live it Lovely

And that’s how my succulent garden turned out! Right now it’s sitting on my back patio table where I can see it out the window. It makes me so happy! Let me know if you try planting a succulent garden in a pot and how it turns out!



P.S. – 3 tips for maintaining emotional health, and embracing the season you’re in.

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  • Ashley

    This is the cutest thing ever! I want to make one too!!!

    February 10, 2017 at 11:13 am Reply
    • Becka

      Yes do it!!! ✨

      February 10, 2017 at 5:59 pm Reply
  • Jaymee

    I plant my succulents in a round fish bowl! 🙂

    February 11, 2017 at 11:31 pm Reply
    • Becka

      Oh my gosh such a good idea! That is so cute! Send me a picture sometime!!

      February 12, 2017 at 8:46 am Reply

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